Enter your user id and password
WebGrants has been upgraded!
Note 1: With the upgrade, the system no longer supports special characters in the User Id. This means, if your User ID in old WebGrants had a hyphen or underscore, it has been removed. (ie. If your username was featherington-p, it is now featheringtonp).
Note 2: Your password remains unchanged for the upgraded platform. Please use the same password you previously used in WebGrants before the upgrade. If you do not remember your password, using the “Reset Password” link on this page.
Note 3: New WebGrants will now have a multi-factor authentication feature (MFA) where you will be emailed a code to enter into the site before you can gain access. This will be the case every time you login to the system.
As of July 1, 2024, all researchers undertaking research with human participants must obtain an updated TCPS 2: CORE-2022 Certificate in order to submit a protocol for approval. In 2022, the Tri-Council Policy Statement released an update that includes significant changes and guidelines surrounding Indigenous research, research with other distinct communities, and course-based research. This updated guidance will aid researchers in ensuring that proper engagement is occurring within communities and that equity, diversity, and inclusion are being addressed in human ethics protocols. Overall, an updated CORE certificate ensures that UWinnipeg researchers are meeting TCPS obligations.
This will officially come into effect when a researcher submits their next UHREB application and will not affect existing protocols, until renewal. Click here to access the TCPS 2: CORE-2022 Certificate training. The updated certificate must be attached to your next UHREB protocol. If you have any questions, please contact Theresa Mackey.
Who can have access to WebGrants?
- Active UWinnipeg faculty researchers
- UWinnipeg Graduate students who wish to apply for internal research awards
- UWinnipeg Graduate students who wish to apply for human or animal ethics approvals
- UWinnipeg Undergraduate students who wish to apply for internal research awards
How do I request access to WebGrants?
Please send a request to researchoffice@uwinnipeg.ca, noting:
- If faculty member: Your full name, email, and position (ie. Assistant Professor, Instructor, etc.)
- If student: Your full name, UWinnipeg email, whether you’re a graduate or undergraduate student, and your student number
- Your department/program
- Your start date (and end date, if on a term or planned graduation year)
What can I access in WebGrants?
WebGrants is UWinnipeg's 'one-stop shop' for information on your internal and external research grants, human ethics and animal ethics protocols. Application forms for internal research grants, human ethics and animal ethics can be found under the “Research Opportunities” section.
How do I remove text/character artifacts?
If you are actively copying and pasting text from Word into the WebGrants platform, you will notice that some characters are not identified properly and show up as "?". To avoid this, first paste the text into Notepad, and then copy and paste the text from there into WebGrants.
What format do attachments need to be in?
All application attachments must be in PDF format (.pdf). If you attempt to upload a file in another format you will get a “mime” error. If this occurs, please save your file as a PDF and upload again.
Your personal information is collected to create your WebGrants account and to process your application(s). Your personal information is maintained by the Research Office and will be shared with grant reviewers as necessary. The Research Office may also use your personal information for research and analysis regarding applications. Any sharing of such research and analysis outside of the Research Office will be aggregated or otherwise anonymized. Your personal information is collected under The University of Winnipeg Act and 36(1)(b) of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions regarding this collection can be addressed to Theresa Mackey, Program Officer, Research Implementation and Ethics, at t.mackey@uwinnipeg.ca.
Forgot your User ID?
Reset your Password?
2-Factor Authentication
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